Halbritter Horrer Wehner: Attorneys & Defense Lawyers in Berlin


We advise and defend in criminal law, exclusively in criminal law. You can find the full range of our services here.

„For a successful speech, use ordinary words and say unusual things.“
(Arthur Schopenhauer)

Areas of law

Criminal law is complex. That is why we only do criminal law.

"There is no better consolation against the failure of a plan than to make a new one on the spot or to have one ready." (Jean-Paul Sartre)


Individually strong, powerful as a team

„You can always tell the winners at the starting gate – the winners and the losers.“
(Noodles, Once Upon a Time in America)

Law Office

Well-founded defense in criminal commercial and law and general criminal law together with an agile and client-centered consulting practice.

"Everything that can be thought at all can be thought clearly. Everything that can be pronounced can be clearly pronounced. ”(Ludwig Wittgenstein - Proposition 4.116)

Lawyer Berlin: Get in touch

H2W Strafrecht
Halbritter – Horrer – Wehner
Schlüterstr. 54
10629 Berlin

Phone: 030 54 90 900 - 0
Fax: 030 54 90 900 - 900
E-Mail: mail@h2w-strafrecht.de
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„We are in the business
of helping good people overcome
bad situations“

David Reddell